Monday 29 April 2013

Levers and Tabs in my Book

I decided to use some form or lever of tab on a page from my book to make the character move. A page in my book had a character reaching up to get a scarf from a coat hook, so I decided to make the character move upwards in order to reach it.
I photocopied the page twice, cut out the character on one photocopy and glued a blank piece of paper over where she was standing on the other. Obviously when I make this properly I will use photoshop to take the character out of the scene and print the character on separate paper, but this was a quick experiment using a rough sketch I had made for the page layouts.
I made a cut in the page where she would be standing and I slotted the cut out into place. I then added a tab at the bottom of her legs to make it easier to move her up and down.

This gave the effect of the character reaching upwards, and although it needs adjusting to become neater and have a smoother movement, this technique could be useful. 
I would also need to find a way of attaching her to the page more securely, as with this method the paper figure does slide across a lot which might be difficult for young children to control. The tab to move the character also comes off the bottom of the page, making it look messy and it would stick out of the bottom of the book when closed, so this is another thing I need to think about

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